Understanding liver : functions, diseases, signs of liver damage, do’s and don'ts.

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Understanding liver : functions, diseases, signs of liver damage, do’s and don'ts.

Did you know? Your liver is a hardworking organ, which has over 400 functions. Imagine it as a machine which works tirelessly and without stopping. However, when you fail to maintain the machine, it slowly starts to malfunction. Liver is the same machine, when you fail to take proper care of it, it might result in various conditions such as liver failure. In this blog post on Liver, we will dive into the subject matter and learn about our tireless machine.


As we discussed earlier, the liver is the hub of the body. It is a large, reddish-brown organ located in the upper right corner of the abdomen. It works non stop to keep our body going. From filtering blood to producing necessary substances, the liver is a vital organ in your body !


  • Detoxify harmful substances such as toxins, drugs, and alcohol from the blood line.
  • The liver takes care of your body’s metabolism.
  • The liver produces essential proteins which prevent blood clot
  • The liver produces bile .
  • The liver is responsible for storing all the necessary nutrients.


  • Fatty liver disease : a common liver condition where excess fat gets deposited in the liver.
  • Cirrhosis : a chronic condition which scars the liver tissue.
  • Hepatitis : is an inflammation of the liver.
  • Liver cancer : growth of cancer cells in the liver


  • Fatigue
  • Jaundice
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Dark urine
  • Light colored stools
  • Swollen legs
  • Easy bruising


  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Stay hydrated always
  • Take hepatitis vaccines

The liver is an overworked organ in the body however it's always under looked for that amount of work it does. The liver is a very vital organ in any human being without which various things in the body might work abnormally. From filtering toxins to storing essential nutrients, the liver does it all. Make sure to take proper care of your liver as it will protect you from any liver condition. Make sure to visit a doctor in case you notice any signs, as early detection can save lives. Dr Satya Prakash Ray is the best liver transplant surgeon in Bhubaneswar. Book an appointment today and get expert’s advice.